Monday, September 6, 2010

Cellular Aging

Cellular Aging: cellular dysfunction, tissue atrophy and an increased loss of cells are noted with normal chronological aging. Widely held theories point to aging and longevity as multifaceted events.

Aging theories
Wear and tear
Free radical
Somatic mutation
Generic related – programmed change
 Error theories – environmental or random damage to cells
Programmed Change Theories: Genetic related. Genetic influences that determine physical condition, occurrence of disease, age of death cause of death contributing to longevity. Activation of gene or genes after a number of cell divisions
Cell changes with Aging
Dysfuntion, tissue athrophy
Telomeres become too short, can no longer divide
Older cells have more DNA damage, more free radicals
Error Theories: Environmental or random damage to sells. Aging is caused by random damage to vital cell molecules and the damage eventually accumulates the level sufficient to result in the physiological decline associated with aging. Somatic mutation theory – longevity and function of the cells are determined by the DNA molecule and its specific repair enzymes.

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